Sunday, February 27, 2011


Wagner's Pooh Bear and Wagner's Little Piglet!
Pooh and Piglet are out of Bling and Repeat and they are soooooooo cute already!! I'm not really sure whose who yet but there's def a boy and a girl so I decided to think of names! They both have super heads and are both really cute and cuddley and so adorable I love them!
That's all for now haha

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Special Thanks

I just wanted to take time to say Thanks to April and Julie and Chrissy for all they have done for me. All 3 of them have been there in their own ways and without them there is no way I would still be in this. They have made such a big impact on my life in general not to mention my bunny life.
April is always there no matter what when my crazy family gets in the way she understands and she calms me down and always knows what to say. She also helps me shop for bunnies even though they aren't always the most logical decisions none the less April is always there :)
Julie is good for a laugh all the time. She's very funny and she always cheers me up. She also thinks a lot like me so then we get a long really well and she understands my weird train of thought. She also helps me make good smart logical rabbit decisions and she is so funny and she can put up with me for a while so that's good :)
Chrissy oh Chrissy what would I do without her! She is my buddy we talk all the time we are both newbs at this whole rabbit world and the weird stuff no one else would know she knows. She also knows what to say to me all the time.

I love you guys so much and you guys mean the world to me! Thanks for everything you do and all you do!! Thanks for sticking with me through everything and understand and not getting annoyed haha :)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

No blogginngggg

Sorry for the no posting I haven't really been in the mood to blog nothing really exciting either. Uhmm the most exciting thing is Bling's babies are slowly opening up their eyes so that's good they are definitely oranges and so cute. I need to get new pictures of them. I think they are a buck and a doe I am not totally sure but they are both different so one has to be a buck and one has to be a doe. I already have a favorite it's head is a lot wider than the other so I hope it stays like that. Nothing else really happening everyone's good same old same old

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Well I am beyond bored so I made a video tour of the shed and well I posted it on youtube! bahah :D
In case you want to watch it haa
Anyways, So I cleaned the shed today. I got rid of a bunch of stuff so that's good, a bunch of random mismatching water bottles and other stuff like that. I am really excited to paint the shed finally. I want to paint it white I think with swirls of light blue I am thinking. I am going to try to rope Julie and April into coming over and A helping paint or B just keep me company or C come over after it's painted haha :) I am gonna try to rope Julie into painting the blue swirl things too because she's an awesome artist!
I am thinking I am going to get this stack of 6 that pointerhill has it's like 6 15x22 inch cages so I am hoping to use that then the other 2 cages which would make a stack of 8 strictly for juniors since nothing else would fit in them ahah :) but with the upcoming litters I am hoping I will have it in time for them. In theory I should. It's only about $130 or so. My hours at work picked up a bunch so that's awesome :D so I am happy with that which means I can in turn afford more bunny stuff! haha. Although after these cages I will officially be at the max number of cages I want/Can afford/Can fit in the shed haha so that's good!
Sorry this post is so random well I will ttyl!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Does

I only got 2 does at PasRBA. The first one being ANR's Davi. She's really sweet but is kind of scared in her cage still so she's a pain to catch but once your holding her she is so sweet! She has really nice type, an awesome body nice big head lacks a bit in the crown. I bred her with Repeat in hopes that with his head and crown that it will correct hers. I have a feeling and I think this should be a really nice pairing! I am super excited for it, she's due 3/11/11 so hopefully that date will creep up quickly too!!

Then I got ZBR's Sahar, she's a really crazy doe. I nicknamed her Squirrel lol. She has a nice body but lacks in overall mass but she has nice type for a BEW. I am impressed. She bred right away to Blowpop so that's exciting. I am excited to have little BEW babies! They are gonna be gorgeous! She's due 3/7/11. Should be a nice pairing. I don't want to get started in BEW but I did want a pair to see where I could go with BEW.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Bucks!

      So I guess I will post about my new rabbits haha :) JK I really am in love with them!! They are so nice and soooo cute. My favorite new one is Etienne by far. He is such a cuddle bug! He is always looking for attention and is so nice :) He has awesome type too! He got 4 out of 11 at PaSRBA I only showed him once and for him being a young Junior I would say that's pretty darn good! I am excited to have more show bunnies and to hopefully start winning!

        The other buck I got was Blue Jeans I haven't really had much time to bond with him but he's a good breeder! haha :) I bred Sahar who you will hopefully hear about on Friday but he got the job done multiply times very fast! He has really nice type for a BEW the thing that stands out most to me is his H/E/C it's really nice! He has super thick ears as well. He doesn't pose very well just yet so we will have to work on him a bunch with that.

I think that's all the new bucks I got I hope at least haha. I thought I was getting more new rabbits than I actually did I got 2 BEW Bucks but I sold one a BEW doe so that makes 3 then 2 HL so that makes 5 then I got my old Mini lop buck back makes 6 and then a ML doe which makes 7 but I sold 2 so that makes 5 then I pre sold one so that makes 4 then I sold another one so that makes 3 and then my friend is borrowing my buck so in reality that only makes 2 new rabbits and I bought 2 new cages and they are empty. I bought some smaller ones strictly for growing out juniors until the 4 month mark when I decide if I will be keeping them or not so that way I can have a lot of space for them and stuff. So I am hoping to get more of those right now I only have 2 but I am hoping to get like 6 more which would make 8 junior cages which in my opinion would be perfect! Okay enough blabbing

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Yay! I am back home! Pasrba was BEYOND fun! I got to meet a bunch of people like Zach from ZB Rabbitry then I met Kristen from Keep's Rabbitry and I also got to meet Paige and her mom from Narrow Gate Farm and Lisa and Faythe Young. I also met Elaina Schneck, Dawn Zimmerman (CONGRAGTS ON YOUR BOB!) and probably other people haha :)
I guess I will start off with Friday we got there about 8:30ish we didn't really do much we went tot he show room kind of walked around it checked out the layout and stuff then we went back to the Hotel and ate Chick Fil A nuggets. (When I say We I am referring to Julie, Chrissy and I haha ) Then we went to bed and got up about 6 got to the show room about 7:30. I ended up not showing on Saturday but Julie showed and AWESOME doe she got from Hunter from PJ's Pride. She's a broken chestnut she's gorgeous! Then throughout the day I accumulated all my rabbits and bought a bunch of stuff haha :) Then I met Kristen from Keep's Rabbitry. She is so so nice!! :) Then after the day was over Julie and I went along with Kristen,Faythe,Paige, Brenda and Lisa to dinner and that was a lot of fun :) Julie and I are kind of quiet and shy I guess or chronically shy as Keep calls us :) but it was really fun, Paige was super entertaining too haha :) We went to some Tavern place that took FOREVER for us to get our drinks and it took an ETERNITY to get our food haha :) Anyways, that was really really really fun! So then we went to the hotel, Chrissy wasn't feeling well so she stayed home. Then Sunday I entered my new buck Etienne who is SO cute! I love him! :D He got 4 out of 11 with some TOUGH competition so I am proud of him :) Then we just kind of walked around and had an awesome weekend. I will post more on the new bunnies and more funny stories in the upcoming week!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Procrastination is a skill

Well we leave for PaSRBA in T- Minus 16 hours and 12 of those hours will be consumed with sleeping and school and homework.  so that leaves me with like 4 hours to get ready which actually the more that I think about it is a big chunk of time! haha :) I am so excited!!!!!!! I went to the grocery store today and bought lots of food! I am so excited because thats what you do at rabbit shows is eat food haha :) It should be a fun time chilling with the homies, playing with rabbits, eating food, showing rabbits, what more could you ask for in life? I don't think anything! Right now I am printing pedigrees, and mapquest directions so I mean I guess that's a start right? I am bringing the following well rabbits, I decided to show Pandora I think not totally sure yet but I am gonna see when I get there what they think. I am gonna have to buy another 3 hole carrier I think soo that's not gonna be good on the old budget! haha on the plus side my parents gave me some money which is awesome!!! Thanks much parents if you are reading this haha :)
Anyways I think alls I have to do is clean carriers, clean the shed for this family coming to pick up a rabbit so I guess a clean shed would be good. I need to clean the cage out that they are getting too I think yeah I need to do that and move the rabbits currently in it into another cage. I guess I had more than I thought but the problem with doing it after school is it gets so dark out and who likes to do stuff when there are stray cats around? not me because I hate cats, I don't hate like anything except for cats haha. But I guess I will do that all tomorrow I am gonna be leaving school at like 10:50 so that will be good. I guess since my stuff finished printing I should stop and maybe start on my mountain of homework.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Home Stretch

It's a week before PaSRBA well technically THREE days before I leave for PaSRBA with Julie from Oak Ridge Rabbitry. I am soo soo soo soo soo soo soo soo excited! It's gonna be a blast. I have to get carriers clean from Farm show hehe whoops :) then I just have to cut nails, tattooes and stuff like that but I can do that at the show while I am bored waiting. Then I have to pack my stuff like clothes maybe so I don't smell all weekend, well we are going to be at a rabbit show sooo I guess it'd be okay to smell haha JK :) But then I have to pack the food bag which is SO important more important than bunnies. Haha this blog post makes me seem like I am a slob but really I am not ..... well most the time I am not hahah, anyways then I have to pack the bunny bag  ohhh yeah I guess I should pack the bunnies too haha :) Unfortunately we have some bad news here, super cart is not going to fit between my 97 carriers and Julie's 96 Carriers we made an executive decision that it would not be wise to bring Super Cart. Alas the next show he/ or she will come no doubt! So Julie and I will be stuck carrying in carriers looking like weenies haha :) I think that's it for now, look for a post Friday before we leave for PaSRBA anddd when I come back look for a novel post!