Monday, April 11, 2011

Shed Remodel - 2011

There's a big Shed Remodel in store!
I am super duper uber tuber luber (other words that rhyme with uber) excited!
I guess I will explain the layout... Currently where the shelf is I am going to be putting all of the cages there for a couple reason 1. It's better air flow 2. It will give me more cage space and 3. I just wanted a change haha :) But I am getting a new 6 hole which has holes that are 24x24 so those can be used with doe and litters with smaller litters and just to get the kids some more kicking room! Then I will be getting 4 new pet cages from here ( I highly recommend them! They have awesome stuff for an even awesome-er price!  Soo then those cages will go where the 8 hole is now so then it will be like a little pet stacker but they are going to go on the wall with the window so there is still plenty of room and such... then on the other wall where the maternity cages were I am going to get a cabinet and have that house all of the like grooming supplies and everything else then I will put my carriers either in the loft or next to the little cabinet thing... That's the plan we will see how it goes! But all in all I am really super excited!! This should all be done in about 2 weeks!

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